Why are learners allowed to leave school at the age of 15?

This is a topic that had the country stirred up last night and is one of the trending topics on Twitter and other social media platforms. The Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga has revealed government plan to get learners to leave school at the age of 15 which is when they complete grade 9. Motshekga said so in her speech at the 9th SADTU National Congress held at Nasrec, and stirred up a lot of controversy in the process: She revealed the government’s plans to allow students to leave school at the end of Grade 9, with an alternative set of qualifications. She explained that a new cycle of evaluation was being planned at strategic levels of education, culminating with the achievement of a General Education Certificate (GEC) before going onto Matric. Students as young as 15 could legally leave school with government-approved qualifications – two years earlier than scheduled. But why is the government considering such a move? Critics have a...