Is the Government doing enough in dealing with the outbreak of Coronavirus?

It has been Two week now in South Africa since we have heard of the Coronavirus. A lot of people especially those in rural areas are still struggling with understanding what is virus is. This virus it has divided the country into two, we have people who say the president of the country is the one who allowed the virus to come in the country and other people say we as South Africans we are the ones who allowed it to come in our country. But now the question is who should we blame for this? Is it the president?citizens of South Africa? The government has been trying to give people information on how to fight these Corona virus and I think it is now time for all of us to exercise whatever the government is bringing to us. we know South Africans we take everything as a joke even this Corona virus we are just taking it as a joke but if we are not careful we are going to be in a crisis than we are already in Italy today is in deep problems because the Citizens didn't want to ta...