
Showing posts from July, 2020

Some ANC members could face the law for breaking lockdown regulations

The South African Police Services (SAPS) are investigating the violation of lockdown regulations by many mourners at the home of the late struggle icon Andrew Mlangeni. According to the Spokesperson of the SAPS Vishnu Naidoo, the police have received several calls to arrest mourners who contravened the lockdown regulations at the funeral of the late Icon yesterday.   The regulations in terms of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 makes provision for the dispensing of crowds who gather illegally, and it also makes provision to hold accountable a person [s] who convenes or organises illegal gatherings. The president had announced months ago that only 50 people are allowed at a funeral. Naidoo said a case of contravention of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 will be opened for investigation. “On completion of this investigation a docket will be submitted to the directorate of the Public prosecution for a decision,” said Naidoo. The ANC, which was the one which, organised th

"Covid-19 has a Cure"- says a U.S based Nigerian Doctor

A US-based Nigerian doctor Stella Immanuel claims to have found a cure for COVID-19. The doctor spoke during a news conference that was held by a group of American doctors in front of the U.S Supreme Court in Washington DC. Dr. Immanuel claims that she had successfully treated over 350 people from COVID-19 using hydroxychloroquine in a video that got more than 20 million views on Facebook and the video continues to trend even after being removed. “ I’m here because I have personally treated over 350 patients with COVID ,” said Immanuel. follow the link to see the video: “Patients that have diabetes, patients that have high blood pressure, patients that have asthma, old people…And the results have been the same. I put them on Hydroxychloroquine, I put them on zinc, I put them on Zithromax, and they are all well,” she said. The doctor continued and added that she had put herself, her staff, and other doctors she knew on hydroxychloroquine

Motshekga welcomes the decision to close schools

BY: Surprise Golela Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga The Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga has welcomed the cabinet's decision to close all public schools for four weeks. In his address last night President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the closure of all public schools for the next four weeks. Ramaphosa said that schools will close from Monday 24 July and reopen again on 24 August 2020. Motshekga said that the 4 weeks break will allow schools to prepare for the return of more grades to schools later in August. Schools across the country reopened on 8 June for only Grade 7 and 12 pupils after they were closed in March to curb the spread of COVID-19 under lockdown level 5. The decision to close schools now comes as the country records more than 408 000 COVID-19 cases, which puts our country to be number 1 in Africa and to be in the top 5 worst affected country in the whole world. Grade 12 learners will reopen schools on 3 August after an only one-week break while Grade

Ethics in online journalism

Ethics are moral principles that govern a person or a group's behavior. In the world of journalism, they are also ethics that we follow to make sure that we keep the standards of our profession. These ethics every online journalist must consider them every time they publish their content online. If a journalist disregards this ethics it can lead to big consequences and worse, it might result in the journalist losing their job. Online journalism has become very popular nowadays, in such a way that it is the biggest and fastest medium of conveying news to the public at large. In this essay, I will explore the ethical considerations that must be taken into consideration by the journalist when publishing content online. I will also look at some examples of instances where journalists in our country and the world failed to adhere to ethics when publishing their content online. One of the ethics which journalists must consider when publishing content online is honesty. Honesty is at

Don't be a victim of the WhatsApp scam

BY: Surprise Golela The WhatsApp stokvel is back but this time with a new name “WhatsApp gifting”. We saw this kind of a pyramid scheme making rounds last year and a lot of people were left in tears, even this year the so-called stokvel is back and a lot of people are falling for it. Even under the new name the stokvel still has the same arrangements as last year. Members are required to deposit either R50, R100, R500, or even R1000 depending on the type of group you find yourself into, and in return, You are promised to make huge profits. The National Stokvel Association of South Africa (Nasasa) has previously warned the people that these WhatsApp stokvels are most likely to be pyramid schemes than genuine savings. Like most pyramid schemes, people who joined first usually get their payout but those who join afterward are unlikely to get their money and they lose everything. Many victims who were part of these groups in the past have seen group administrators exit the group after maki