Women, the future of South Africa

 By: Surprise Golela

 Grace Mahlangu

“A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman. But the search to find that voice can be remarkably difficult.”  Melinda Gates

Grace Mahlangu is a young woman from the dusty streets of Vezubuhle in Kwamhlanga, Mpumalanga. She is known by many as a very humble, compassionate, and goal-driven young woman by those around her.  Growing up in Vezubuhle was never easy for her as the place lacked opportunities for young people, but despite all that Grace like many other young people of Vezubuhle are working out to bring change to the area.

Grace is currently a student at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) studying Journalism. She says she wants to build a better country for all through Journalism. “I chose journalism to provide my citizens with the information they need in order for them to make the best possible decision about their lives, communities, societies, and government,” she said.

Apart from being a student, Grace is also a model, it is safe to say, “Beauty with Brains”. “I got into modeling because I love expressing myself, traveling, meeting new people and having amazing,” she said. She says modelling has helped her with her self-esteem, confidence, and communication.” Best highlights of my modelling career would probably be the people I've got to meet along the journey, the newer models I've got meet, teach and befriend, and the happiness that has absorbed in me beyond amazing,” she said.

Recently she announced that she is part of the South African Top 100 ambassador which is a campaign that recognises young South Africans doing great work either in their field or community. She took to social media “I made it to the list of SA Top 100 ambassadors 2020, under the category of childcare,”

“I entered for SA top ambassadors, to uplift the spirits of our nation by inspiring young people especially in my community to contribute to change,” she explained.

As the country deals with inequalities between men and women, Grace says South Africans should not dwell on what is happening. “Dwell less on what is wrong and to open your eyes to what is really happening. The more we are able to determine and see the positive signs of sustainable change, I guess the better we will be at generating positive drift for growth and prosperity by those who choose to stay and fix our country,” said Grace.

Message to young people: Choose to have positive thoughts always, you can be whatever you want. Anything which you put your mind to, you can achieve it.

The future looks good for this rising star, wishing her in all her endeavors.

(All the images used were provided to by Grace Mahlangu)

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