Young woman gives back to the community

By: Surprise Golela


Mahlogonolo Phahlamohla founder of Masedi Education Projects

 Mahlogonolo Phahlamohlaka is a young lady from the dusty streets of Marble Hall, Limpopo. She is the founder of Help Matriculate Centre (HMC) and Masedi Education projects.

Phahlamohlaka has always had so much passion for education which today she stands to advocate for, through the organisation HMC she has managed to help thousands of learners apply for tertiary education. She did her first degree at the Witwatersrand University, which she says she did not like doing. "The time I finished my matric, mining was one of the sectors which had many jobs, and studying geology made sense to me at that time," said Phaahlamohlaka. She says she wanted to help matriculants, not to choose courses they do not want and also to help those who do not have finances to pay for application and registration fees.

A block of classrooms that Phahlamohlaka is working on.

Apart from helping matriculants with the tertiary application, Phahlamohlaka also helps with building school infrastructure across the country. " Covid-19 has affected a lot of private schools especially when schools were asked to cut the number of learners in a class to 20, a lot of private schools could not accommodate all the learners,  that is when we saw the need to build new classrooms at school," said Phahlamohlaka

She was recently nominated as part of the Mail and Guardian 200 young South Africans under the category of education. The nominations aim to recognise young South Africans who are making an impact in the field they work in. "I was so shocked that they are people who appreciate and recognise the work that I do," she said. She says it was because of the nomination that pushed her to do even better in improving the education system of our country.

Phahlamohlaka says she wants to be remembered for one thing which is her passion for education. " we are all going to die one day but when you die what will people remember you for? that is why I want to be remembered for the passion that I have for education," she said.
